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The Okanagan needs public transit that serves a growing community

That means spending public money on public services, rather than paying profits to private companies

The Okanagan Transit Alliance believes that public transit should be publicly managed by a regional team of city councillors, transit workers, and citizens. We are asking BC Transit to keep the public in our public transit. 

Mapping transit issues at the Okanagan Transit Alliance town hall


The problem with private transit

We believe that public transit should be just that - public. That means that our tax money and transit revenue is spent on great transit service, rather than going overseas as profits for private companies. The Kelowna Regional Transit System is currently operated by French-based Transdev Group. BC Transit recently renewed the contract with TransDev for one year, but the contract expires March 31st 2024. After that, BC Transit will decide whether to continue with First Transit, or pass the contract to another private company - but we want something different. We're asking for transit in the Okanagan to be managed by local decision makers. We don't need a private company (whose first priority is cutting costs for higher profits) managing an essential public service. Transit supports tourism, schools, shopping, and daily life in our region. We're asking for transit in the Okanagan to be managed by local decision makers, to make it more accountable, responsibly managed, and to keep our public funds right here in our community. We envision the Central Okanagan Transit Authority - and we need your help to put our community first. 

See who has signed on

ATU Local 1722

Okanagan Climate Hub

Climate Action Now!
(North Okanagan)

UBCO Mountain Riders

Kelowna Community Fridge

Kelowna Tree Protectors

FlipSide Sustainability

Purppl CCC
Fridays for Future Kelowna

RAMA Okanagan

First Things First Okanagan

BC Poverty Reduction Coalition

Land to Table (L2T) Food System
Network (North Okanagan)

Chickpeace Zero Waste Refillery

Urban Harvest

KLO Neighbourhood Association
BCGEU - BC General
Employees' Union

Kelowna Area Cycling Coalition

Adopt A Stream (Kelowna)

Patient Voice Network/
Patient Partner

Global Empowerment Coalition
of the Central Okanagan

Kelowna South Central
Association of Neighbourhoods
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